Creation of the World – Maori

The Maori people of New Zealand have a rich and fascinating creation story that explains how the world came into existence. The following is an abridged version of the Maori creation story:

In the beginning, there was only Te Kore, the eternal nothingness, and Te Po, the great darkness. Within this void, the primal parents, Ranginui, the Sky Father, and Papatuanuku, the Earth Mother, were entwined in a loving embrace. They were in a state of darkness and unity, with no light or life in existence.

Their children, divine beings, were trapped in the tight embrace of their parents, unable to see the light. These children lived in the darkness between Ranginui and Papatuanuku and yearned to live in the world of light.

One day, the children decided to take action. Tane Mahuta, the god of forests and birds, emerged as the bravest and strongest among them. He placed his shoulders against Papatuanuku and pushed with all his might, attempting to separate his parents.

However, Ranginui and Papatuanuku clung to each other, fearing the loss of their eternal embrace. Tane Mahuta persisted, and with a great effort, he managed to create space and pushed his father, Ranginui, high into the heavens.

As the Sky Father was lifted, the world of light was born, and the children of Ranginui and Papatuanuku had their first glimpse of sunlight. They rejoiced and took on their roles in the new world. Tangaroa, the god of the sea, claimed the oceans, while Tawhirimatea, the god of the winds and storms, chose the domain of the winds and clouds.

Tane Mahuta, the creator of this new world, now turned his attention to the creatures that would inhabit it. He fashioned the first human beings, breathing life into them and giving them the name “Tangata” or “people.” These human beings became the ancestors of the Maori people.

As life flourished on the land and in the sea, there was harmony between the gods and their creations. However, Tawhirimatea, the god of storms, grew jealous and angry at his siblings for separating their parents. He unleashed furious winds, storms, and rain upon the Earth, seeking to punish those who had caused the division.

To this day, the Maori believe that the forces of nature, such as the wind and rain, are the manifestations of Tawhirimatea’s rage and sorrow.

Despite the wrath of Tawhirimatea, the Maori people continued to thrive, carrying with them the knowledge of their ancestors and the significance of the creation story. This tale serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural world and the importance of balance and harmony in all things.

Creation of the World - Maori