The Three Little Birds

About a thousand or more years ago, there were in this country nothing but small kings, and one of them...

The Water of Life

There was once a King who had an illness, and no one believed that he would come out of it with his...

Doctor Knowall

There was once on a time a poor peasant called Crabb, who drove with two oxen a load of wood to the...

The Young Giant

Once on a time a countryman had a son who was as big as a thumb, and did not become any bigger, and...

The Spirit in the Bottle

There was once a poor woodcutter who toiled from early morning till late night. When at last he had...

Sweet Porridge

There was a poor but good little girl who lived alone with her mother, and they no longer had anything...

Wise Folks

One day a peasant took his good hazel-stick out of the corner and said to his wife, "Trina, I am going...

Stories about Snakes

There was once a little child whose mother gave her every afternoon a small bowl of milk and bread,...

The Shroud

There was once a mother who had a little boy of seven years old, who was so handsome and lovable that...

The Jew Among Thorns

There was once a rich man, who had a servant who served him diligently and honestly: He was every morning...
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Take stories with you.

Mga Kwentong Bayan
Mga Kwentong Bayan